TRABIS: Domain Name Extensions that can be obtained as Documented and Without document
30.11.2021 6:27 3453 Views

TRABIS: Domain Name Extensions that can be obtained as Documented and Without document

With TRABIS, changes will occur in domain name allocation processes.

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The allocation of domain names with, and extensions, which are the most processed and allocated with documents during the Nic.TR period, will be made in accordance with the "without document" and "first come, first served" principle together with TRABIS.,,,,,, and extensions will continue to be allocated without documents.

Domain names with, edu,tr,,,,, and extensions, will be allocated in a documented manner during the TRABIS period as before.

Below you can find detailed information about all domain extensions.

Domain Extensions to be allocated without documentation


This is a domain extension that is usually used for commercial purposes.

While domain names with extension were allocated based on official documents such as title document or brand documents obtained from the Chamber of Commerce during the Nic.TR period, this will be allocated in accordance with the "first come, first served" principle with the launch of TRABIS.

In order to take action on domain names with extension, you can check the eligibility and apply for the relevant domain name from the "Domain Name Inquiry" section on the Domain Name API page.

NET.TR extension is mostly preferred by internet service providers and individuals.

This extension which was allocated with a document in the pre-TRABIS period, will be allocated without document in the new system with the "first come, first served" rule.

In order to take action on domain names with extension, you can check the eligibility from the "Domain Name Inquiry" section on the Domain Name API page and apply for the relevant domain name.

ORG.TR is a domain extension preferred by foundations, associations, non-governmental organizations, etc.

This extension which was allocated as a documented extension during the Nic.TR period, became one of the extensions without document together with TRABIS. Like and extensions, allocation will be made with the "first come, first served" rule.

In order to take action on domain names with extension, you can check the eligibility from the "Domain Name Inquiry" section on the Domain Name API page and, if appropriate, can apply for the allocation procedures.

Domain Name Extensions to be allocated with  Documents

In the TRABIS process, application conditions and documents for domain names are listed below.

AV.TR – Lawyers, Law Firms and Attorney Partnerships

In applications to be made for the person as a lawyer, it is required that the relevant domain name is compatible with the name and surname of the person who will be the owner of the domain name.

In applications made for an attorney partnership or law firm, it is required that the relevant domain name is compatible with the name and surname of the partners that will be the owner of the domain name or the lawyers in the office.

Required Documents:

  • In individual applications, current document from the bar association of the province where he is registered, or a notarized copy of this document, showing that the person who will own the domain name is a lawyer
  • In the applications made by the person or persons authorized to represent the person, the law firm or the attorney partnership, , document proving that such person or persons are authorized to take the relevant action on behalf of the person, the law firm or the attorney partnership
  • In applications made for a law firm or attorney partnership, a current document or notarized copies of these documents from the bar association of the province where each attorney in the office or partnership that will be the owner of the internet domain name is a lawyer.

BEL.TR – Municipalities included in the Records of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The domain name with the extension must be compatible with the name of the relevant municipality.

Required Documents:

  • Official request letter signed by the competent authority of the municipality

DR.TR – Doctors of Medicine, Doctor Partnerships

The requested domain name must be compatible with the name and/or surname of the person who will own the domain name.

In applications made for a doctor partnership, it is required that the requested domain name is compatible with the name and/or surname of the doctors in the partnership that will be the owner of the domain name.

Required Documents:

  • Notarized copy of diploma or graduation certificates indicating that the person who will own the domain name is a Medical Doctor
  • Notarized copy of diploma or graduation documents indicating that each person in the partnership who will be the owner of the domain name is a Medical Doctor in applications made for doctor partnership
  • In the applications made by the person or persons authorized to represent the doctor's partnership, the document proving that such person or persons are authorized to take the relevant action on behalf of the person or the doctor's partnership.

EDU.TR – Higher Education Institutions Recognized by Higher Education Counsil

It is allocated to higher education institutions recognized by the Council of Higher Education.

It is required that the domain name requested in the application is compatible with the name of the relevant higher education institution.

Required Documents:

  • Request letter signed by the applicant's authorized person
  • In applications made by the person or persons authorized to represent parties that are not public institutions or organizations, a document proving that this person or persons is authorized to take the relevant action on behalf of the relevant party.

GOV.TR – Public Institutions and Organizations

It is allocated to public institutions and organizations.

Required Documents:

  • Official request letter signed by the applicant's competent authority

K12.TR – Ministry of National Education (MEB), Pre-School Education Organization affiliated to MEB or Approved by MEB, Primary, High School and Equivalent Educational Institutions, organizations approved under the Relevant Legislation of the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services, such as Private Nursery, Day Nursery, Private Kids Club

It is allocated to Ministry of National Education, institutions providing pre-school education affiliated with or approved by the Ministry of National Education, primary, high school and equivalent education institutions and Private Nursery and Day Care Centers and

institutions approved by the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Services.

It is required that the domain name be compatible with the name of the institution or organization applied for.

Required Documents:

  • Request letter signed by the authorized person of the applicant
  • Notarized copy of the permit issued by the competent authorities for parties that are not public institutions and organizations
  • In the applications made by the person or persons authorized to represent the parties that are not public institutions and organizations, the document proving that this person or persons are authorized to take the relevant action on behalf of the relevant party.

KEP.TR – Registered Electronic Mail Service Providers Authorized by the Information Technologies Authority

The allocation of domain name extensions will continue with documentation.

This is allocated to Registered Electronic Mail Service Providers authorized by Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK).

It is required to be in format and to comply with the "Y" number determined by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority for the relevant Registered Electronic Mail Service Providers.

Required Documents:

  • In the applications made by the person or persons authorized to represent Registered Electronic Mail Service Providers, the document proving that such person or persons are authorized to take the relevant action on behalf of the relevant Registered Electronic Mail Service Providers

POL.TR – General Directorate of Police and its Units

It is allocated to the General Directorate of Police and its units.

Required Documents:

  • Official request letter signed by the competent authority

TSK.TR – Units within the Turkish Armed Forces

It is allocated to the units within the Turkish Armed Forces.

Required Documents:

  • Official request letter signed by the competent authority of the General Staff